And you thought vaping was safe?


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AVForums Super Veteran
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Oct 2, 2017
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The Strand
Smokers in my experience in general believe they smoke because it is "lekker" (because it is enjoyable or nice to do - English does not have a word that says the same as "lekker") are in fact eluding themselves. People smoke because they are addicted to nicotine but also to the habit. As for this last witness the numbers of smokers who have turned to vaping where nicotine is not involved. No, don't shout at me; it is irrefutable fact. I have smoked for close on 40 years before I finally and forever kicked the habit. I could do that after I for many years said I enjoy smoking, that it was "lekker". Only when I admitted to myself that I am addicted and that smoking is in fact not nice to do was I able to win the habit.

However; I just wanted to bring something on vaping to your attention. It is bad for your health as tobacco smoke is. Read this:

No use in attacking me on this for I shall not respond.

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