Flavour of last month


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 10, 2015
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My love and enjoyment of vintage headphones are well known.  Not all of them, but the better 80's models onwards are pretty damn good, regardless of age or price.

This morning I read an SBAF write-up on the original Schiit Mjolnir (https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/schiit-mjolnir-1.11291/). It was launched in early 2012 which, in the fast-paced world of headphones where last month's Loxjie is forgotten as soon as Topping launches a new toy, probably qualifies as vintage. The conclusion is that it aged quite well and stood the test of time.

This shouldn't be a rare thing though - headphone amp technology is not evolving nearly as rapidly as the package in which it comes. This made me wonder ... which other headphone amps that are forgotten flavours of last month could be considered classics. I own or have owned quite a few ...

  • The seriously over-engineered and over-specified Bouwman-Hobkirk amp that [member=579]Rodney_gold[/member] waxed lyrically about - he bought it in 1999 so I'd guess a mid 90's build
  • Perreaux SXH2 - 2005.  Remains a wonderfully smooth and refined listen to this day.
  • Original Benchmark DAC 1, also from 2005
  • PS Audio GCHA - launched in 2006.  The DAC is listless but the amp is as delicious now as it was 15 years ago.
  • Musical Fidelity XCAN V8p - 2009.  This one I regret selling - it was Deon Schoeman's personal unit for many years and worth keep[ting just for that.
  • More recently a Meier Corda Swing that I bought from and sold to [member=19576]capetownwatches[/member]
  • Krell KSA5 klone bought in China in 2019 - OK it's not a real Krell and the design is more "inspired by KSA5" than true KSA5, but it harks back to 1991
Others that I have heard but not owned that made a great impression include the Lake People G100, Graham Slee Solo, Little Dot One (not Mk 1 ... this is the one with the 6 small tubes) Mk III and Mk 6, Headroon BUDA, Kingrex HQ-1, Bryston BHA-1 ... the list goes on and on.

So which forgotten gem do you have or have you heard?