2.1 PC speakers to abuse


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
I wondered whether anybody knows the 2.1 PC/ HT in a Box speaker sets on the market (Creative, Logitech etc) and could recommend a set to offer up just for their amplifiers and associated electronics. I am specifically after: active crossover, compact dimentions, low noise and low cost.

The Idea is to make a discrete system at the place I am staying and the speakers are pretty much sorted (Audax 5"/1" combo and a bandpass subwoofer but with a couple of tricks that prevent the nose sound, like a 1/2 decent driver for one and helmholz resonators inside the cab to catch offending resonances less than 2 octaves above crossover)

For kicks, I might connect up a valve's heater for the high-end SET look with the metal top plate and hardwood sides with the el-cheapo amplifiers hidden underneath ;-) but that is still up for discussion.