My new Dac


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Agaton Sax

AVForums Super Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
My new DAC.

I stare at all the stuff lying around the house. This is too much. I am drowning my familiy in rubbish. When did I last use this, that. But what to do? I hate selling.People come back 3 months later complaining that component x leaves a hole in the right rear soundstage, component  y has a screwmark on the inner cover only seen when dismantling it.

Enter that  caped buyer /seller superhero Phase. Before I know it  everything,even my CD player/DAC is gone  and I rather forlornly stare at the hole where it was. I better buy a DAC then , but what?

Let me tell you about cars . I love travelling in the country.Old forgotten roads. Not bundu bashing, just nice dirt roads. So I have had a succession of big 4x4 SUVs. all with grumbling V8s and all the settings and stuff. I do not travel in the country anymore because the moment I get off tar I have a flat tyre. Walks in the forest with the dogs-nah flat tyre,lazy weekends on the wildcoast-flat tyre,karroo weeks- same. Then it is a biscuit on a dirt road with Chevrolet Cruzes zipping by. Get a Fortuner my friends say. No,say I , I have a fridge and a stove ,I do not need any further soulless white goods.

So WTF does that have to do with a DAC ? Well you see, up to now I had a remote Apple, network, Mirorendu, SPDIF usb converter and then dac. That is for digital-4 components -nuts . Oh, and a CD transport with a reclocker. Thats is 6. Oh and 3 linear power supplies-9, then wires between all this shi? er equipment. Simplify man,simplify.

Well, so a dac with a direct network input, able to take any format, MQA decoding (yah I know but I want it)  ,upgradeability  and nice sound. A red flag goes up; The  Toyota Fortune? I mean PS Audio Directstream DAC. Plus the importer lives exactly 1.6 km from my house, I know him,he?ll never tell me "if I have to ask I can?t afford it" and if it breaks I?ll have another the same day. Even if it means  dismantling his own system to keep me going

I have set my budget at what I got for the cra?-errr,stuff. R90k. That?s it. I am all grown up now,no more irresponsibility. PS Directstream with bridge $ 6900 . Local retail price R93k . What is Paul Louw smoking? How does he make money on this ? Buy,buy ,buy?. But it is PS Audio-mid fi isn?t it? It is a Fortuner. Am I a snob? Shi? I hope not.

Ahh, MSB Analogue DAC. About a $1000  more than the PS, do do the same,lotsa high end credibility, importer seems nice at ?R139k.

The new Audio Research DAC 9 is $7500. I love AR and it has been yonks since I had any ARC,but It doesn't work with Apple,nor Linux and I am pretty sure it is not going to be R93k

Paul and PS it is then?Roll on Buffalo Toyota