Specifications of Stereo Integrates vs AV Receivers


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Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Cape Town
This is something that intrigues me! If you look at the specs of integrated stereo amplifiers and compare that to AV Receivers, in general the AV Receivers have higher specs that the integrates.

On average integrates have between 40 and 70 watts per channel, where AV Receivers range from 50 watts x 6 to 120 watts x 7(and some ever higher)

Based on some tests I have seen the specs for many AV Receivers many of them can't deliver the quoted power with all channels driven, but some are capable of delivering the quoted power with all channels driven.

Why are stereo amps designed with a lower output than AV Receivers? Music can possibly be as demanding as HT and yes I realise that many of us don't even get to 10 watts in normal listening situations, but it I am still curious.