Creamy tarragon chicken with mushrooms and asparagus


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
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Morning All

I decided to make a dish last night which turned out unbelievably good (even if I say so myself). It was relatively simple, tasty, light, and - though not intentionally so - should be banting friendly, if you're into that.

- 1-2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 Spanish (white) onion, roughly chopped
- 150-200g mushrooms of your choice (I used the "exotic mushroom mix" from Woolworths)
- 1 tspn black peppercorns, whole
- 4 chicken breasts, chopped into big cubes
- splash of white wine (I used Miss Lucy)*
- 100g asparagus tips
- 5g dried mushrooms (I used the dried exotic mushroom mix from Woolworths)*
- 200ml chicken stock (I made this using the roast chicken stock concentrate which comes in a box of 8 sachets at Woolworths - one sachet mixed with hot water - avoid powdered stock as they can be excessively salty)
- 2 tbsp cr?me fraiche
- handful of chopped tarragon (fresh is best but you can also use freeze dried)

The ingredients with a * are optional; I decided to add them as a little something extra.

Preparation - steps to do before you actually begin cooking so that the dish can be made without disruption:
- cut the onion, chicken and mushrooms as above and set aside
- boil the asparagus for 3-4 minutes in salted water and then plunge into an ice bath to stop the cooking
- pour some hot water onto the dried mushrooms and steep for 5 minutes, then pour (through a sieve to filter out dirt) into the chicken stock

- in a heavy pan, saute? the onion in olive oil on a low heat (should not burn) for 5 minutes
- put the heat up to moderate and add the peppercorns and chopped up mushrooms and fry for another 5-7 minutes until they have some colour
- add the chicken pieces and get some colour on them for about 5 minutes
- bump the heat up to high and when it starts to get hot add in the splash of wine to deglaze the pan; burn off the alcohol for about a minute then turn it back down to moderate
- pour in the chicken stock and bring to a simmer
- after 5-6 minutes, add in the asparagus tips and simmer for another couple of minutes
- add in the cr?me fraiche and stir until it is fully melted in / incorporated into the sauce
- at this point the dish is done; you can simmer for a few minutes to get the sauce thicker and more concentrated if so desired
- to finish, once the heat is off, add in the tarragon and stir in; serve in a deep bowl

You'll notice I did not mention adding any salt. The stock had enough in it but if you desire you can add some salt to taste. The dish was fantastic as-is, though if desired you can always dish it up onto a bed of rice (I think either basmati or a mix of brown and wild rice would do nicely).
