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  1. W

    AV News Competition

    It's been a while since we last saw some competitions in the AV Space. So here you go! Not one, but three prizes to go.
  2. W

    more local amplification

    In continuing the theme of local amplification Joel gets to grips with the PL Audio Pre/Power combo. He seems to have liked it...
  3. W

    Speaking of cars Just saying... :-)
  4. W

    Valve Audio Exclame

    Review is up on - I had a few thoughts on this amp. Locally designed, built and delivered and I enjoyed it.
  5. W

    OK now find this

    I never dreamed it would be as hard as this. I am looking, at this stage quality unimportant, of a massed choir recording of Amazing Grace with a treble, or at this stage soprano, descant. Any pointers most gratefully accepted.
  6. W

    Here we go. AVNews.

    Go gentle on me. It's a first stab and a work in progress. And at least you can subscribe for free. - thoughts, comments and content appreciated.
  7. W


    So Eishkom have cooked a coupla components - my Thule line amp for one. Does anyone have any idea at all who could take a look at a repair job on such a wee beastie? Additionally my Yammie Blu Ray Player (no great loss) and my Onkyo kitchen entertainment unit seem to have been equally whacked...
  8. W

    Marantz NA7004

    Right so I, horrifiyingly, use my iPhone to play back music via the NA7004 via a usb cable - charges the phone at the same time. But has always been iffy in terms of connecting to the iPhone and now post matters refuses to connect to the iPhone at all. Not the cable - that's usually the issue. A...
  9. W

    High end software

    OK. So now that I am officially balls deep into my midlife crisis herein lies my dilemma. New software. I am really struggling to find quality music, NEW quality music that is. Proper audiophile shit. Hardcore tweeter trembling bass breaking system destroying mind blowing delicately poised sheer...