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  1. doncarlos69

    Multi Room Audio

    Hey Chaps I've recently taken over the Coffee Shop that my Dad ran for many many years. He was a very simple man technologically and kept things old school. His sound in the restaurant was run off of CDs in a shuttle and I can't be asked to change CDs all the time. So I bought an Amazon...
  2. doncarlos69

    Bargain find for a newcomer to the vinyl world.

    At R3k that sounds like a great deal! I'm also keeping my eye out for something similar. Sent from my Redmi Note 9 Pro using Tapatalk
  3. doncarlos69

    Sanyo Portable Turntable, Radio and tape deck in a briefcase

    Hey Guys Are these valuable or just a gimmick? There's one going cheaply, R400, looks to be in good general working condition, was considering attempting a restoration... Thoughts? Cheers Carl Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  4. doncarlos69

    TT setup advice needed please...

    Shout out to Jatho for hooking me up with a sweet deal  :thumbs: Time will tell if the old man will get into the vinyls, but if he doesn't I'll take his place...
  5. doncarlos69

    TT setup advice needed please...

    I'm hoping for some good news from Jatho  :groovy: And I couldn't agree more, dealing with people from this forum has a certain peace of mind attached...
  6. doncarlos69

    TT setup advice needed please...

    East London
  7. doncarlos69

    TT setup advice needed please...

    Howzit Chaps I'm wanting to purchase a inexpensive starter kit for the old man, he's just turned 70.  I don't want to over invest initially, coz I'm not sure that he'll take to it.  Currently I have a set of DENON SC-N9 bookshelfs that I want to hook up to a turn table.  From what I can...
  8. doncarlos69

    LG 55" LED TV

    Finally managed to upload the pictures. Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  9. doncarlos69

    LG 55" LED TV

    I'm traveling and the picture uploads keep falling, will try again when I have better reception. Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
  10. doncarlos69

    LG 55" LED TV

    Hey..  I managed to get my hands on an LED TV with an image defect. Basically it has lines running horizontally across the display, till about half way through the display. I've attached some pictures. I did a little googling and found a thread of hope that said I might be able to rectify the...