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  1. alternativeroute

    Help an android dufus

    My contacts list on my phone is bloated which makes communication tedious for messaging or emails. I want to 'clean' my contacts list on Google contacts (easier than on the phone) and then re-sync the phone contact list. But it never seems to delete. I do a lot of deleting on Google Contacts...
  2. alternativeroute

    Advanced driving - what is the correct procedure for...

    I get sucked in YouTube videos sometimes. I watched this clip the other day ( ) and noticed that there are lots of 'secondary' accidents that happen because a driver has had to take evasive action and has subsequently landed a wheel (or two) off the...
  3. alternativeroute

    Anyone going Cape Town to George 22 to 29 December?

    Anyone going Cape Town to George 22 to 29 December? I need to get a turntable there
  4. alternativeroute

    Insurance re-rate time

    Shesh. Just got my re-rate from Outsurance. 14% increase  :sd:  :sd:  :sd: Anyone else get a twice inflation re-rate?
  5. alternativeroute

    Fuggin' Hetzner!!!

    Anyone else here affected?
  6. alternativeroute

    LEAK Mono tonearm???

    Can anyone shed some light on this LEAK tonearm? What I do know is that it is mono and it must be MC as there is a step-up transformer under the armboard...
  7. alternativeroute

    Grey water to toilet cistern - possible systems?

    Due to the drought we collect up the washing machine grey water. With a simple pool float I have managed to 'clean' the water so that is does not 'go off'. Obviously it is not potable but it is perfect for flushing the toilet. Now to get the water to the toilet cistern. At first I thought I...
  8. alternativeroute

    Never mind video killing the radio star. Cellphones killed... I wonder what happened to all these:
  9. alternativeroute

    What Decca arm is this one?

    I picked up this Garrard 301 with a Decca tonearm. I cannot find any information on the arm. I am assuming it was part of the FFSS series (versus the 'International' series that had more regular half inch mount headshells)...
  10. alternativeroute

    Buy foreign currency today?
  11. alternativeroute

    This one might just be a keeper - Thorens TD520 'professional' turntable with a

    I picked this one up the other day - you might have spotted it on This one was just too interesting to pass up. This table originally belonged to the Gallo pressing plant in the South of Johannesburg. When that operation closed the plant manager got the turntable. Being a...
  12. alternativeroute

    3d printing replacement buttons? Viability question

    If anyone one here with 3d printing experience can chip in? I got in a NAD 3020 today with missing knobs. What would the viability be to 3d print something like this?
  13. alternativeroute

    RS-TA20 amplifier

    A client of mine brought this into the shop with some DIY SEAS kit speakers. I cannot seem to find any information whatsoever on the amplifier. Maybe someone here knows a bit more  :vsad:  :nfi:
  14. alternativeroute

    Who ever used that feature on their CD player?

    Who here ever used the 'program' or 'memory' feature on their CD player. I think I used it once to see how it works and that was it! That said a friend had a CD player (I think it was a Sony) where it would organise the tracks to fit onto a 60 minute or 90 minute tape side... I do remember...
  15. alternativeroute

    Some interesting listening if you want something different: - pick a country - slide the timeline to get to different era's...
  16. alternativeroute

    Tonearm knowns and tonearm mysteries...

    I bought a joblot of stuff today and in the joblot were some tonearms... Now one of them I know for sure - cause it says so on the box  :point: One I know what it is because it has a name on it and the other two are a mystery... Lets start with the one that I know the maker... #1 LEAK Tonearm...
  17. alternativeroute

    That is a little nuts Sheesh, imagine what you could buy new for the same price...
  18. alternativeroute


    First off a big thanks to Frikkie on the forum for sending me the heads-up on this one. I love getting in stuff that is a little unusual. This one definitely fits the bill. Luxman PD375 - Of coarse the two belts (VDS + tonearm movement belt) in...
  19. alternativeroute

    The "Ultra Rare South African Press XYZ record"

    I am on a few Facebook groups that sell vinyl and I am always amazed how guys try flog ZA pressed vinyl as something 'rare' or sought after*. Obviously it will be rare in a place like Tokyo but then again so will vinyl from 100 other countries... (Vinyl) Collecting, it has to be said, is...
  20. alternativeroute

    Dry Petrol pumps - August 2016

    The reports say 'don't panic' - which of coarse leads to a bit of a panic. Has anyone spotted petrol stations that are out of fuel due to the (impending) strike?