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    JAMO 808

    Hi Guys, Has anyone used the JAMO 808 slimline subwoofer? My existing cabinet was designed for an old LG passive subwoofer and want to use the 808's in the same space. I've currently got Bentley FS150's as my front stage. Will the 808's be drowned out by the 150's or will it add more bass...
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    Repair - RCA Cable

    I'm looking for someone to repair a damaged set of RCA Subwoofer cable. It was bent near the plug so it will need to be cut and reconnected. Ideally I would like 1 side to be replaced with a 90 degree male but not a deal breaker. DM if you offer this service.
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    90 deg Subwoofer cable

    Has anyone used a 90deg subwoofer cable successfully? After searching I see there's only stock overseas and very little available locally. My sub is basically up against a wall and my maid occasionally pushes it as close as possible to the wall. This has damaged a fairly expensive cable so I'm...
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    Restoration - Pioneer CS-539

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for someone who can properly restore a Pioneer CS-539 speaker. The front cover is broken and will need to be replaced with new chipboard and covered. I would like them to look as close to the original as possible. Please only recommend people you have used and have worked...