Recent content by shorai


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  1. S

    Vintage Audio Kit - Members' Pics

    I've got a few Mantovanis, Badura Skoda et al for anyone interested. Chris - 083 440 7250 JHB
  2. S

    Modular Solar

    TLDR : Yes, it can be done, and is attractive for many reasons. Safety (and other) concerns make it difficult or illegal. Better to take the advice above and get a small unit to supply plug-in devices individually. Ten years ago or so, almost all power semiconductor manufacturers published...
  3. S

    Auction experiences

    One of tthe funniest auctions I ever attended was at a computer importer. They had recently taken over another importer and wanted to get rid of old, redundant and obsolete stock. They invited their dealers to a closed group and started the proceedings with cheese and wine. The auction was...
  4. S

    QUAD II collection

    Hi Sarel, just posted my Quad setups in case you are interested.
  5. S

    Bitcoin Investment or Not

    The Motley Fool has it pretty much covered. Every day a joker comes to your office and gives you an option to buy at one rate or sell at another. You choose to buy or sell. A bit like FahFee - you never know what the rate is going to be in the next 5 seconds, weeks, months,years. The rate is...
  6. S

    QUAD II collection

    Apologies, did not get time to post today and will try for the week end
  7. S

    QUAD II collection

    Hi Sarel, I have two sets of quad II, one is pretty much as it cam efrom the factory. The other burned the mains transformer in +-1972. It was fixed and soem modifications made. I also have preamp, one FM and two AM tuners. Neither have been powered up since about 1984. All were working at that...
  8. S

    MECER Equipment: good or not?

    I have two 1400W units from the early '90s that use 2 * 12V 19AH batteries. One has been In daily use since. Never gone wrong. The other died in a lightning event I also have 2 other 2KVA units that use 3 * 7(9)AH batteries, bought mid to late '90s. One going strong one has died. The bigger...
  9. S

    What are your biases in the world of hifi, audio and sound?

    Last time I fried eggs on my Lindsley Hood was when I dropped a screwdriver and it shorted the speaker terminals. Couldn't work out why I could not get any meaningful power out the speakers. Found the problem and fried eggs :)
  10. S

    Thoughts on Styluses for AT155LC and N75HE

    Both these lost their styli when young over eager audio enthusiasts tested them. I see styli offered in the $150 to $250 and up range ATC
  11. S

    Copy of Joburg noise control bye-laws

    Aha..... dug them out There's a paragraph in the Environmental protection act It simply delegates authority to the provinces and city councils National It notes that Gauteng, Freestate and Western Cape have their own...
  12. S

    Copy of Joburg noise control bye-laws

    I'm now officially old and was unable to locate the relevant bye laws on coj website. Can anyone help? Gauteng or national will also do since AFAIK they are the same.
  13. S

    Meaning of Music

    Every piece of music I listen to evokes a different emotion and meaning in me. Some are light hearted and frivilous Others are deep, emotional and life changing. I will not attempt to enulerate the emotions involved other than to say "All and then some" Some goes so against my psyche that I...
  14. S

    Reliable UPS options?

    According to the guys at Mantech, there are a LOT of batteries going down in UPS due to the frequency and duration of power outages. My dad taught me that a Lead Acid requires 18 to 24 hours continuos charging in order for the chemistry to fully recover. A lot of this will be at "Full Charge"...
  15. S

    FNB sheer incompetency - fraud case - cleaned bank accounts

    AFAIK FNB dont have the concept of a home branch anymore. You can go to ANY branch. This was instituted some years ago for cases exactly like this.